The ICT-AirE project primarily focuses on the following target groups:

VET Teachers:
- Teachers specializing in environment-related studies.
- Teachers specializing in STEAM-related studies.
- Active encouragement of female participants and students with fewer opportunities.

VET Students:
- Students in vocational education and training programs who will directly benefit from the project.
Additionally, the project aims to reach the following target groups:

Secondary Schools and VET Education Centres:
- Teachers and education centres from various subjects and studies, enabling them to utilize the materials and resources produced through the project.
- Aspiring to reach a wide range of education levels and types of educational institutions.

Education Community:
- Introducing air quality issues to education centre training modules, fostering debates on environmental and climate change concerns.
- Raising awareness among families, staff, and other students through the proposals developed by students during the project.

Local Community:
- Local authorities, public administrations (especially local and regional), non-profit organizations, foundations, and institutions interested in green transition, health, or sustainability.
- Beneficiaries under the Covenant of Mayors and those aligned with the Green Deal, who seek to address climate change and transition.
- The project proposal aligns with their objectives, and the results serve as tools to support and enhance their initiatives.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.