The project results are directly linked to the aims and objectives we set out for the project. These include:
Objective 1: Design
- Training program contents for teachers in a hybrid format, tested in the European context.
- An online platform dedicated to the teacher’s course: log-in as a guest
- Online digital tools for analysing and visualizing air pollution: log-in as a guest
- Installation and functioning of an air quality measurement module at the site
Objective 2: Training
- Teachers trained in air pollution and equipped with digital and technological tools.
- Development of air pollution modules for students. (Download content in English or in Spanish)
Objective 3: Pilot
- Students trained in air pollution and equipped with digital and technological tools.
- Implementation of air pollution modules for students
- Increased awareness and concern among teachers and students regarding air quality and a heightened motivation towards STEM and the green transition: to know more about how the project was implemented in Merendino Institute
- A public event showcasing the results achieved by all student modules:
Press articles:
Capo d’Orlando: il “Merendino” è la sentinella della qualità dell’aria del territorio – 98zero
Capo d’Orlando: “Merendino”. Svolto evento conclusivo Progetto Erasmus KA210 VET

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.